Benefits and side effects Of Chrysanthemum Tea

May 27, 2015 at 8:48 PM

Are you bored of your tea brand and want to change it? Then why not try something new like chrysanthemum tea. Now you might be wondering what chrysanthemum tea is and what are its benefits and side effects. If so, then you need to read this article as it will tell you about chrysanthemum tea, its benefits and side effects. In short, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Chrysanthemum tea.


  1. What is Chrysanthemum Tea?
  2. Varieties of Chrysanthemum Tea
  3. Health Benefits of Chrysanthemum Tea
    1. Improving Cardiovascular Functioning
    2. Removing The Symptoms of Cold
    3. Against Heat Rashes
    4. Chrysanthemum Tea For Eye Health
    5. Chrysanthemum Tea For Blood Cleansing
    6. Chrysanthemum Tea For Blood Pressure
    7. Chrysanthemum Tea For Liver
    8. Providing The Body With Vitamin B
    9. Antioxidant properties
    10. Chemopreventive properties of Chrysanthemum
  4. Side Effects of Chrysanthemum Tea
    1. Causing Allergies
    2. Interactions With Other Chemicals and Drugs
    3. Photosensitivity
    4. Causing Hypotension
    5. Spreading poison
    6. Effect Of Chrysanthemum on Pregnancy
  5. Conclusion

What is Chrysanthemum Tea?

Actually chrysanthemum tea is made from chrysanthemum flowers. Mostly present in East Asia, these flowers belong to the species Chrysanthemum indicum. To make chrysanthemum tea, in either a pot or a tea cup, water is boiled and chrysanthemum flowers are put into the pot. The temperature is kept at 90 to 95 degree Celsius. Wolf berries and rock sugar are added to it. The aroma of the drink is just like flora. The color of the drink can either be pale or bright yellow; it can also be anything in between them. Chrysanthemum tea is quite popular in China. There is a tradition in China that oncethis tea is taken, again, in the same pot, hot water with flowers are put. In comparison to the original tea, the resultant will be less strong.

Special importance is given to chrysanthemum tea in the Chinese culture.Other flowers and plants, just like chrysanthemums, are quite popular in the Chinese culture. In the Chinese culture, every flower has a symbolic representation. Chrysanthemum stands for respect and honesty. Integrity and nobility are the symbolic representation of bamboos and orchids. Chrysanthemum has greatly interested the Chinese scholars. Chrysanthemum is also quite popular in arts, paintings, calligraphy and poetry.Chrysanthemum flowers is known by another name, Autumn flowers. This name is given to the chrysanthemum flowers because these flowers remain alive during winter and autumn, a time when the other flowers wilt and die. These flowers are effective in cold weather.

Tao Yuanming was the most popular Chinese poet in all its six dynasities. He, every now, and then wrote about chrysanthemum flowers. He once wrote, “I take out chrysanthemum flowers through the Eastern side and look towards the Southern side”. Another famous poet, Yuan Zhen, used to write sonnets about chrysanthemum flowers. Chrysanthemum can be used for meditation, as suggested by the famous philosopher, Confucius. Chrysanthemum flowers were grown and appreciated by the Chinese farmers. A plus point of chrysanthemum is that it can be grown on roadsides, farms and river canals. Due to this reason, chrysanthemum is synonyms with people who don’t want to be popular, and are wise and want peace.

Varieties of Chrysanthemum Tea

There are a number of varieties of chrysanthemum. There are different colors, with regards to each variety; the colors range from light to dark yellow. Chinese names are given to these varieties.Huangshan Gongju is a popular variety of chrysanthemum tea.Gongju is another name for it. “Yellow Mountain Tribute Chrysanthemum” is the meaning of this Chinese word.

Hangbaiju is also a popular variety of chrysanthemum tea. It’s also popular by another name, Hangju. Hangzhou is considered as the birth place of this tea variety.This tea directly enters the lungs. It is quite helpful against wind heat. This tea is also helpful against cold and headaches.

This tea variety stops the itchiness and feelings of irritation in the eyes and is also beneficial against certain eye infections. The affected eye can also be washed through it.

Chuju is another popular chrysanthemum tea variety.In Anhui, it is found. As it is obtained from a white flower, white juhua is another name given to it. It is considered a better variety in comparison to other chrysanthemum tea varieties. When compared with other tea varieties, it is found that it is sweeter and produces heat.As it has a direct passage to the liver, this variety is quite beneficial. For eyes too, it is quite beneficial. By this tea variety, many health problems can be treated, like headache, dizziness and blurred vision.Boju is another popular variety of chrysanthemum tea, which is found in Anhui.

Chrysanthemum tea has multipurpose benefits. White chrysanthemum tea is helpful in clearing for solving liver and eye problems. Yellow chrysanthemum tea is helpful for detoxification and for removing wind heat. There are many other varieties of chrysanthemum tea, which are now originating. According to the place where it is found, the variety of chrysanthemum tea is classified. In China, other major producers of chrysanthemum tea are also gaining fame.

Let’s have a brief overview about the benefits and side effects of chrysanthemum tea before studying them in detail.Chrysanthemum tea is widely used for its medicinal purposes. The body is also cooled down from this herb.There is faster recovery against different illnesses like acne and influenza.Chrysanthemum is quite beneficial for fever reduction and reducing the soreness of throat. Chrysanthemum tea is widely consumed in Korea, as it makes people more alert. For making people more active, in some countries, this drink is also used. Due to its herbal benefits, chrysanthemum tea is widely consumed. Chrysanthemum tea should also be consumed for the treatment of circulation disorders like varicose veins and atherosclerosis.

Chrysanthemum tea is a home prepared drink. However, it is also used a drink in many restaurants. Chrysanthemum tea is present in different outlets in East Asia. From groceries, chrysanthemum tea can be obtained in the form of packing.Also, in different medical stores, chrysanthemum tea is consumed, due to its health benefits.

Health Benefits of Chrysanthemum Tea

Chrysanthemum tea is widely used for treating different health problems. Some side effects are also caused by the consumption of chrysanthemum tea, which will be discussed in the next section.Mentioned below are the benefits of chrysanthemum tea:

Improving Cardiovascular Functioning

The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center claims that, due to chrysanthemum tea, the passage of blood in the coronary arteries is improved. Also, with the help of chrysanthemum tea, the absorptive nature of chrysanthemum tea is improved. Certain health problems like dizziness, insomnia and headaches are treated by the use of chrysanthemum tea. Because of antibiotics present in it, chrysanthemum tea is quite beneficial against chest pain.

Removing The Symptoms of Cold

For treating hot colds, chrysanthemum tea has been used in the Chinese culture for sometime. Chrysanthemum tea is also beneficial against headaches and cold. Chrysanthemum tea has a direct effect on fever, due to its cooling properties. Against cold and flu, different varieties of chrysanthemum tea are beneficial, according to the Chinese Co. website (1). Chrysanthemum Goqi Tea and mulberry chrysanthemum tea are two popular varieties. Chrysanthemum flowers, honeysuckle flowers and peppermint are required for making chrysanthemum tea. First of all, you need to buy these ingredients. Now put one spoon in each of the ingredients. Put these herbs in boiling water. Allow the pot to cool down. Now put chrysanthemum tea in a cup of water and drink it every two hours.

Against Heat Rashes

Heat rashes can also be treated by chrysanthemum tea.Natural Health magazine says that Chinese practitioners think that the main cause of heat rash are the chemical imbalances and inflammation in the body (2). Take chrysanthemum tea in case you are suffering from heat rash symptoms. The complete method to make chrysanthemum tea for heat rash has been mentioned in the magazine.You should also stay away from sugar and spicy foods for some time, because they too can produce heat in the body.

Chrysanthemum Tea For Eye Health

Against various eye problems, chrysanthemum tea has proved its worth. For people who have unstable vision, chrysanthemum tea improves the sharpness of vision. For different eye problems, such as blurriness of vision, watering of eyes, and spotty vision, chrysanthemum tea is quite beneficial. So, the thing is that you should drink chrysanthemum tea if you feel any kind of uneasiness in your eyes from, may be, doing laptop for long periods of time or studying for many hours straight. Cataract disease (a medical condition resulting in blurred vision) can also be treated with the help of chrysanthemum. To get rid of tired eyes, you can either drink chrysanthemum tea or apply it on your eyes, by sprinkling it into the eyes directly. You should buy chrysanthemum flowers from the market and make a soft, moist material by placing the flowers in hot water for some time and putting them into gauzes. Now when this soft and moist mass has been made, for about 10 minutes, put it on your eyes. This will end any kind of pain sensation you have been having in your eyes. However, for using chrysanthemum on eyes, it’s better to seek medical advice. The reason is that, sometimes, unusual symptoms can be developed.

Chrysanthemum Tea For Blood Cleansing

For removing too much toxins from the blood, chrysanthemum is generally used, says the City University of New York. Other than relaxing the body and mind, drinking tea helps in the purifying blood. For getting rid of insomnia also, you should take a cup of chrysanthemum tea.To have the desired effect, chrysanthemum flowers, cinnamon, ginseng, and honey suckle are mixed together. This provides the body with warmth and creates a kind of balance in the body. However, before taking it for cleaning blood, you should consult your doctor first.

Chrysanthemum Tea For Blood Pressure

Hypertension (abnormal blood pressure level) is used to treat from the herbal tonics which include chrysanthemum. In Asia, chrysanthemum tea is also used for treating the symptoms associated with the changes in blood pressure; these include tinnitus, headaches and dizziness. Other than this, many cardiac problems can be treated by chrysanthemum, such as angina. Research also supports that chrysanthemum is beneficial for treating cardiac and blood pressure problems. However, research relating to chrysanthemum is still going on and it may be too soon to give a final verdict. If you are taking other medications along with chrysanthemum, consult your doctor before taking chrysanthemum tea. Also for more serious conditions, it is advisable not to take these drugs without the consultation with your doctor.

Chrysanthemum Tea For Liver

For the treatment of liver, chrysanthemum tea is quite beneficial. To find out the effect of chrysanthemum tea on liver, a study was conducted (3). In the study, it was shown that there is a hepatoprotective effect in liver cells. The study was conducted in the University of South Korea by the researchers Sang Chul Joeng and his colleagues. Through this research, the researchers wanted to find a better method for the medications. The researchers used a special variety of chrysanthemum flowers known for being beneficial against hypertension, Chrysanthemum indicum L. flowers. Chrysanthemum tea has many antioxidant properties, according to researchers. According to research results, hepatoproptective effect is shown by chrysanthemum flowers. The researchers concluded in their research that chrysanthemum helps in reducing the effect of hepatotoxicity, and protects the liver against damage.

Providing The Body With Vitamin B

A rich source of vitamin B such as folacin and choline. In the development and multiplying of cells, choline is quite beneficial. Also, choline helps in metabolism of fats in the body. For the normal functioning of gastrointestinal route, niacin is quite beneficial. So we see that chrysanthemum tea helps the body in many ways as it contains vitamin B in it.

Antioxidant properties

There are pharmacological effects of chrysanthemum tea (4). These are present due to the flavonoids present in chrysanthemum. In the vitro, the chrysanthemum shows antioxidant properties. It was found that linolenic acid had a higher rate of inhibition in comparison to alpha-tocopherol. Against the lecithin peroxidation, there was an inhibition effect shown by chrysanthemum extract. This shows that the peroxidation of lipid can be reduced by chrysanthemum extract. Also, on certain radicals, the effects of inhibition were shown by the water extracts of chrysanthemum. On different radicals, like hydrogen peroxide, superoxide, and hydrogen peroxide, certain activities were shown by the extract. Chrysanthemum, just like other antioxidants, reduces the power and is a strong donor of electron. Another research was conducted in which the nanoparticles of gold were taken and the effect of chrysanthemum extracts on them was found out (5). The results of the research showed that chrysanthemum extracts effect the gold particles.

Chemopreventive properties of Chrysanthemum

Chemopreventive properties have been shown by chrysanthemum, according to various studies. On the basis of their chemical properties, chrysanthemums can be divided into three groups, namely flavonoids, triterpenoids, and fatty acids. So let us look at these groups one by one.

Fatty acids

Antioxidant properties are shown by the fatty acids present in chrysanthemum flowers. Especially linolenic acid, stearic acid and palmitic acid show antioxidant properties. The enhancement of tumor cells is done by linolenic acid. On the other hand, apoptosis potential (death of cells as a result of normal growth) is shown by palmitic acid and stearic acid. The evidence of DNA ladder formation shows that by apoptosis, the granulosa cells are stopped by stearic acid. In cardiomyocytes, apoptosis is given rise to in palmitic acid. In the ovary cells of Chinese hamster, apoptosis is done by palmitic acid. With regards to whether linolenic acid plays a role in cancer prevention or not, there are mixed studies. For example in one of the studies, it was shown that linolenic acid had a role in the prevention of cancer (6). However, in another study, it was shown that linolenic acid plays no role in cancer prevention but is instead a cancer promoter, as it promotes the growth of tumors in the body. The reason for this is that the growth of tumor cells is enhanced in the body by the metabolism of mitogen 13 hydroxyocta –decadienoic acid.


In chrysanthemum flower, volatile oil is present and its main constituent are triterpenoids. The number of triterpenoids which have been obtained so far are over 50. Both antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties are shown by some triterpenoids like sitosterol and taraxasterol. The cell growth of tumors can be inhibited by campesterol and stigmasterol. The triterpenoids in chrysanthemum tea which show antitumor activities are faradiol, elemene and heliantroil, whereas the anti-inflammatory properties are shown by the triterpenoids cycloartenol, dammaradienol and helianol.


In most eatable plants, the natural antioxidant, flavonoids are present. Because of their antioxidant properties, flavonoids have many benefits. Research has shown that flavonoids have chemopreventive properties (7). The research was done on flavonoids extracted from papaya seeds. In general, flavonoids, extracted from any source, have chemopreventive properties.

Side Effects of Chrysanthemum Tea

In the previous section, you have seen that there are a number of benefits of chrysanthemum tea. However, this is only one side of the story. Some side effects of chrysanthemum tea have been mentioned below:

Causing Allergies

Due to chrysanthemum, in certain people, allergic reactions are caused. In general, if you develop allergies from dandelion, daisies, sunflower and ragweed, then you need to avoid chrysanthemum tea. The reason is that the tea is made from the chrysanthemum flowers and you may develop allergies from the flowers. You are allergic to chrysanthemum, if you suffer from inflammation, fever, skin rashes and asthma, after drinking chrysanthemum tea. If you develop allergy from chrysanthemum tea, you need to stop drinking it and contact a skin specialist.

Interactions With Other Chemicals and Drugs

With certain chemicals and medicines, interference is caused by chrysanthemum tea. Chrysanthemum tea should be avoided by diabetic patients on insulin medication. The reason is that, there are chances of interaction between chrysanthemum and insulin. The chrysanthemum tea lowers the blood pressure level and promotes a feeling of calmness. Also, in people who are on high blood pressure medications, certain complications can be caused due to chrysanthemum tea. Also, this tea should be avoided by people who are taking anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antibacterial medications.


As the name suggests, photosensitivity means abnormally high sensitivity to light. A major side effect of chrysanthemum tea is photosensitivity. You should use sunblock creams if you have fair skin and drink chrysanthemum tea on regular basis. Also, you should wear sunglasses, which block sunlight. More research is still going on with regards to photosensitivity of chrysanthemum tea. It has been seen that, in some people, who drink chrysanthemum tea daily, this side effect isn’t visible.

Causing Hypotension

Hypotension is a medical condition, in which the blood pressure of a person becomes abnormally. Hypotension can be caused by chrysanthemum tea. So, it’s a good idea to avoid taking chrysanthemum tea if you are taking high blood pressure medications.

Spreading poison

Certain chemicals called pyrethrins are present in chrysanthemum. It has been seen that pyrethrins can cause poison. As pyrethrins are directly spread in the body by taking chrysanthemum tea, poisoning can be caused. Other than this, even long term contact with chrysanthemum flowers can also cause poison. Damage to the nervous system and other organs like eyes, is caused by pyrethrins. So basically, the idea is to avoid pyrethrins as much as possible.

Effect Of Chrysanthemum on Pregnancy

On pregnant women, there is currently no study which shows that the use of chrysanthemum has adverse effects on health. However, it can’t be taken out of consideration. Chrysanthemum tea should be avoided by pregnant or nursing women, because it is harmful for the baby. It is however, only a precautionary measure. More research is still needed to give a final verdict and to see how the infants are affected by chrysanthemum tea.


This article features some basic information about chrysanthemum tea, its benefits and side effects. In conclusion, chrysanthemum tea is quite beneficial for health. On the other hand one should be aware of its side effects and do not drink too much of this tea. One or two small cups per day should be fine. Pregnant women should avoid drinking chrysanthemum tea due to possible risk to foetus.

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Written by: Michal Vilímovský (EN)
Education: Physician
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Published: May 27, 2015 at 8:48 PM
Next scheduled update: May 27, 2017 at 8:48 PM
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