25 Best Slimming Super Foods
You want to look super fit and super smart? If yes then you need super foods! Whatever you are and whatever you do, food matters a lot. Super foods work as a power house. They give you an ideal figure that you’ve always seen in magazines and have only imagined to have it yourself. Guess what, now such figure is within your reach. Sounds insane, right? Take a deep breath and read about the 25 best slimming foods that will burn your calories in no time.
Black Beans
Black beans help our digestive system and colon. They contain low level of fat, cholesterol and sodium. A 100 of serving contains 339 calories and other nutrition facts are as follows:
Nutrition | Per 100 g |
Total fats | 1 % |
Sodium | 0 % |
Protein | 42 % |
Iron | 48 % |
Calcium | 16 % |
Cholesterol | 0 % |
Other than supporting our digestive system, black beans in the regulation of sugar. In fact they lower the level of sugar within your body- the basic culprit for obesity and weight gain. This eventually puts a stop to your ever increasing weight and uplifts your cardiovascular health as well.
Black beans have four different kinds the most popular of which is black turtle beans that contain 0.90 g fat per 100 g whereas rich in protein with 21.25 g per 100 g.
One bowl of oatmeal in the morning can help burn fat and boost your metabolism. It’s so nutritious that half cup of 4.6 grams oat is sufficient enough to fulfill your daily nutritious requirement.
Several researches back its health benefits as it:
- Reduces the risk of asthma in children.
- Is gluten free.
- Increases appetite
- Helps improve immune system
- Lowers the sugar level
- Controls blood pressure
- Improve insulin system and decreases fat deposits
Here is its nutritious value.
Nutrition | Per 100 g |
Total fats | 10 % |
Saturated fats | 6 % |
Sodium | 0 % |
Protein | 4 % |
Iron | 26 % |
Calcium | 5 % |
Magnesium | 44 % |
Cholesterol | 0 % |
It is a rich source of Magnesium. Magnesium helps in regularizes temperature and boosts energy metabolism.

The word fat means trouble. This is what most of us believe. But reality is a bit different. Some types of fats called unsaturated fats can in fact speed up the weight loss process. Avocado is perhaps the richest source of unsaturated or healthy fats. Moreover, it’s full of proteins and fibers.
Avocados contain twice amount of potassium as in banana and thus have an added benefits of uplifting cardiovascular health. It contains 160 calories per 100 grams.
Nutrition | Per 100 g |
Total fats | 23 % |
Saturated fats | 10 % |
Sodium | 0 % |
Protein | 4 % |
Iron | 3 % |
Calcium | 1 % |
Vitamin C | 16 % |
Cholesterol | 0 % |
This food is available throughout the year and it matches well with crab, chilies, garlic, lemon, mint, vinegar and salt. Try some lettuce and tomato sandwiches with avocado at home.
Like avocados salmon is also an excellent source of good fats and proteins. A study showed that dieters taking salmon lost at least 9 pounds of weight. This is a fish of fresh water. In addition to its high unsaturated and protein content, it is an excellent source of some important nutrients like Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 an Selenium. It contains 208 calories in 100 per grams.
Here are its nutrition facts.
Nutrition | Per 100 g |
Total fats | 20 % |
Saturated fats | 15 % |
Sodium | 2 % |
Protein | 40 % |
Iron | 1 % |
Calcium | 0 % |
Vitamin C | 6 % |
Dietitians believe that eating seafood (such as salmon) at least twice a week can put a stop to your increasing weight and can provide protection against heart diseases.
Its color is indigo and it is native to America. Among all fruits it contains highest antioxidant capacities and is therefore ranked second after strawberries. Antioxidants are substances that can scavenge free radicals (damage causing entities) from your bodies. These radicals are responsible for increased fat and cholesterol deposits in the body, the result of which is weight gain and increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Recent studies show that blueberries and strawberries help reduce cardiovascular diseases especially in women; control blood pressure, high blood sugar and most importantly reduce the cancer risk.
Below are its nutrition facts
Nutrition | Per 100 g |
Total fats | 0 % |
Saturated fats | 0 % |
Sodium | 0 % |
Protein | 1 % |
Iron | 1 % |
Calcium | 0 % |
Vitamin C | 16 % |
100 grams of blueberries contains 57 calories.
Broccoli is from cabbage family. This tasty vegetable is packed with dozens of nutrients. It’s a rich source of fiber and vitamin C. Being a plant; it is extremely low in fat and cholesterol- the harbingers of weight gain and heart diseases. Also this vegetable is low in simple sugars and is rich in fiber. All these factors make broccoli an excellent choice for people on weight loss diet.
Its nutrition value is as follows:
Nutrition | Per 100 g |
Total fats | 0 % |
Saturated fats | 0 % |
Sodium | 1 % |
Protein | 5 % |
Iron | 3 % |
Calcium | 4 % |
Vitamin C | 48 % |
You can use this tasty vegetable in raw form as well as in a number of recipes. Try broccoli in salad with cucumber and cashews.

Brown rice
Brown rice is more beneficial than white rice. White rice looks like brown rice before going into refining process. It is mild and nutty in taste. Brown rice is full of complex carbohydrates. White rice, on the other hand, is full of simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates, as per their name, have a complicated structure and require excessive metabolism before being released into the blood. This slow release doesn’t cause an increase in the level of insulin and resulting fat gathering.
Following are some of the health benefits of brown rice:
- It contains Selenium. Selenium is a mineral that fights against cancer and heart disease.
- It is a rich source of Manganese
- It has naturally occurring oil that helps in controlling body cholesterol level.
- Its main function is it helps in body digestion process.
- It lowers body weight.
Brown rice nutrition facts are:
Nutrition | Per 100 g |
Total fats | 1 % |
Saturated fats | 1 % |
Sodium | 1 % |
Protein | 5 % |
Iron | 2 % |
Calcium | 1 % |
Magnesium | 10 % |
Pears are considered be one of the world’s healthiest foods. Pears are rich in vitamin B2, C, E, Copper and Potassium and contains significant amount of pectin soluble fiber. It contains more pectin than apples that make them more effective against controlling cholesterol level and toning body intestines.
Its neutrinos value increases if you eat its skin along with its flesh.
Its health benefits are:
- It contains antioxidants that control blood pressure, decrease body weight and prevent from heart attack and stroke
- It contains vitamin C and copper that prevents that prevents body’s cells from damages caused by free radicals and resultant increase in body weight.
Nutrition | Per 100 g |
Total fats | 0 % |
Saturated fats | 0 % |
Sodium | 1 % |
Protein | 5 % |
Iron | 1 % |
Calcium | 1 % |
Vitamin C | 7 % |
Red wine
It is one of the world’s most popular drinks made from grapes and other fruits. A single glass of wine can burn your calories for next 90 minutes. It is quite useful for women because of its anti aging benefits. It contains anti oxidants that prevents damaging free radicals that can cause age related diseases and increase in weight. Other than that it is impressive against cancer, mental health and useful in heart diseases.
Nutrition | Per 100 g |
Total fats | 0 % |
Saturated fats | 0 % |
Sodium | 0 % |
Protein | 0 % |
Iron | 2 % |
Calcium | 0 % |
Vitamin B6 | 5 % |
100 gram glass of red wine burns up to 83 calories.
Grape fruits
These are sour in taste. This fruit is low in calories making it an important component of weight loss diet. This fruit is particularly rich in soluble fibers. These fibers fill your stomach and don’t let you over eat. It is a rich source of vitamin C, a good dose of grape fruit can provide you with cholesterol lowering pectin. 42 calories can be burnt by eating 100 gram of grape fruit.
Nutrition | Per 100 g |
Total fats | 0 % |
Saturated fats | 0 % |
Sodium | 0 % |
Protein | 1 % |
Iron | 0 % |
Calcium | 2 % |
Vitamin C | 52 % |

Kidney beans
Its shape and color looks like human kidney. It is a variety of common beans. If you are not doing regular exercises only beans can help you to lose weight. Your body needs protein and you’ve to eat proteins no matter what. The first that comes to mind when protein rich diets are discussed is red meat.
But wait!
Red meat is strictly prohibited in an ideal weight loss plan. That’s because in addition to being rich in proteins, red meat is rich in bad fats as well. If you’re looking for an alternative protein source then there is nothing better than kidney beans. These beans are rich in proteins but extremely poor in fats and cholesterols.
Their nutrient facts are listed below:
Nutrition | Per 100 g |
Total fats | 0 % |
Saturated fats | 0 % |
Sodium | 0 % |
Protein | 18 % |
Iron | 12 % |
Calcium | 3 % |
Magnesium | 10 % |
100 grams of beans can help you burn 127 calories. You can try different recipes such as salads with red kidney beans.
The biggest problem with the most weight loss plans is that people get so enthusiastic about weight loss that they forget the importance of essential nutrients. You can’t completely eliminate proteins form your diet and red meat is the richest source of protein, that’s a fact. Use of beans is an option but still your body needs more protein.
What options do you have then?
Well, if you kick start your day with one egg then it can’t get any better. Egg is an extremely rich source of protein and in fact the only food known to man that has got an excellent balance of all the vital amino acids. Start your day with one boiled egg or fry your egg in plant oils.
Everyone loves snacks. Whenever you sit down to watch a movie or your favorite show on the TV, you impulsively go for unhealthy snacks. This is your chance to replace unhealthy and fat filled unhealthy snacks with organic and healthy ones. Almonds should be your first choice in such scenario. Almonds are extremely rich in unsaturated fats. The importance of unsaturated fats in weight loss process has been explained. The beauty of this snack is that it can be used in everything ranging from your drinks, to salads; from your breakfast to full course meals.
Green tea
Replace all the carbonated beverages with green tea! With every glass of carbonated beverages you drink, you’re actually drinking bouts of sugar- the basic culprit for weight gain. You might think of saturated fats as the main reason to why you’re gaining weight. But newer researches have now unveiled a new fact that it’s simple sugars that are you’re real enemy. These sugars increase the amount of circulating Insulin, speed up the process of fat formation and put you at the risk of endless health complications. An excellent alternative to your craving for sugary beverages is green teas. Green teas are full of anti-oxidant substances that boost your metabolism and cleanse your body off all the wastes that increase the weight gain process.

Green teas are available in a variety of preparations. All you need to do is boil a cup of water and add 1-2 teaspoons of green tea mixture in it. Strain the fluid and add ginger, lemon or honey in this liquid to improve the test. Enjoy the taste of this drink and get benefited from added weight loss features too.
Life is sweet they say. Well, if someone asks you not to eat or drink anything sweet then this is quite unrealistic. Instead of totally giving up sweet foods and drinks, try to choose a healthy alternative. What makes the sweet drinks and foods bad for your health and weight goals is white sugar present in it.
What is white sugar?
It’s nothing but a chunk of simple sugar. And what simple sugar does is explained in detail before. Do you’ve some alternative here? Definitely yes! The answer to your question is honey.
Honey is full of fructose. Fructose, unlike glucose, is readily digested and doesn’t raise the level of Insulin. No Insulin means no conversion of sugar into fat and ultimately this will cause reduction in weight. All you’ve to do is use honey in place of white sugar in your beverages, teas, salads and meals.
Love mushrooms? Mushrooms not only taste amazing but are also excellent ingredient of a weight loss diet. What makes them so special? Mushrooms have NOTHING in them. Yes, you read it right. Basically mushrooms are very poor nutritionally. But that’s the beauty of it. They’re extremely low in calories and virtually contain no sugar and fat. But they’re very abundant in fibers.
Fibers give you a feeling of fullness and this saves you from overeating. This is how mushrooms work. Another thing that makes mushroom desirable is that mushrooms can be used in a variety of ways. You can add them in your salads, soups, meals or can you eat them as such after roasting.
Whole grains
All grains are beneficial for weight loss as long as they’re whole. Excessive processing of grains results in the loss of almost all the fiber in them. As the results grains are left with simple ingredients like simple sugars and they lose their complex starch and much protein fiber. So the next time you go to a grocery store for buying bread for your morning meals make sure not to choose white bread as it is full of simple sugar. Choose bread made from whole wheat. Whole grain products are rich in complex carbs and fibers. The importance of these two ingredients in weight loss has been emphasized several times before. Whatever is rich in these two ingredients should be a part of your weight loss plans.
Most of the people like the sizzling taste of chilies. Some of you might not like it. You might not agree with its aroma and taste but you’ll have to agree with its health benefits. You’ll be amazed to know that how something as simple as chilies can do wonders for you. Basically chilies are rich in a chemical called capsaicin. This chemical starts a process inside the body called thermogenesis. In this process heat is generated inside the body due to the contraction of muscles. Whenever heat is generated, it is at the expense of burning some fuel.

The fuel in this case is your body fat. Chilies burn the excessive amount of fat from your body and give you a sleek figure that you’ve always desired. But be careful as consuming too many chilies can cause severe gastoinsterinal irritation. Use this weight loss ingredient in your usual meals, soups and salads and make them more spicy and healthy.
Dark chocolate
Don’t mix dark chocolate with ordinary chocolate that is actually a processed version of chocolate and is quite high in sugar. Dark chocolate has quite sharp taste and is not sweet. Dark chocolate is thought to help in losing weight in two basic ways. First, it slows down the digestion process. When digestion process is slowed down, the ingredients of food like carbs and fats are released slowly into the body. This way body gets ample time to use these ingredients and not enough calories are left to be stored as fats.
Dark chocolate is also rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids or in simple words it is rich in good fats. These fats boost your metabolism and give you a foundation which is needed to burn fat fast. You can use this chocolate in a number of ways. You can eat it as such, can use it in drinks or salads or can make it a component of daily meals and breakfasts.
You might or might not know this kitchen ingredient but this ingredient is an essential part of Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine. Did you know this kitchen ingredient is thermogenic as well? Relating to the previous text, garlic has the ability to burn extra fat to generate heat. You can use it in a variety of ways. You can use it in your soups, salads and meals. Another way to make garlic is make a tea. For this purpose, all you need is a piece of garlic. Peel the skin off and chop it down to small pieces. Heat these pieces in a cup of water for some minutes till the water boils. Strain the liquid and add a teaspoon of honey in it and enjoy the taste of this refreshing tea.
The problem with some people is that they can’t eat vegetables and fruits. This happens and there is a solution to it too. If you’re a meat lover and you have that strong urge to eat meat once every few days then turkey is just the right thing for you. This is rich in proteins but contains minimal amount of bad fats and cholesterol.
Low fat yogurt
Dairy products are quite rich in unhealthy fat that’s why you need to go for plain, fat free varieties of dairy products. Eating such products is important because you can only get enough vitamin D and calcium as to fulfill your normal demands only from dairy products. Eating yogurt has an added benefit that it acts as a filler substance and makes you less hungry.
Don’t underestimate the weight loss effects of this food. Researchers have found that eating as much as 6 ounces of this food can cause several pounds reduction in weight without decreasing the mass of muscles. This means that the loss of weight is due to reduction in fat and not due to reduction of proteins.
This food is rich in several important vitamins like vitamin C but is relatively poor in nutritious value as it doesn’t contain much fat or sugar in it. It, however, is rich in fibers that give you a feeling of fullness and you end up eating less.
Written by: | Michal Vilímovský (EN) |
Education: | Physician |
Published: | April 24, 2014 at 8:41 PM |
Last updated: | August 2, 2015 at 9:30 AM |
Next scheduled update: | August 2, 2017 at 9:30 AM |
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