How to use tea tree oil for hair growth and care?

September 2, 2016 at 8:50 PM

If you are fond of using home remedies instead of pharmacological therapy you must be aware of tea tree oil. Those who dabble in traditional medicine know tea trea oil has lots of benefits and is used for treating a wide variety of ailments ranging from skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis to bacterial and viral infections. It is also a popular remedy for treating hair problems. In this post you will learn how to use tea tree oil for hair care, including detailed instructions.


  1. About tea trea oil
  2. Tea tree oil and hair growth
  3. Benefits of tea tree oil for hair
  4. How to use tea tree oil for hair
    1. Massage with diluted tea tree oil and carrier oil mixture for hair growth
    2. Use tea tree oil with olive oil for hair growth
    3. Use tea tree oil in your shampoo
    4. Tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar hair rinse
    5. Use tea tree oil with jojoba oil for dry scalp
    6. Aloe vera and tea tree oil hair mask to promote hair growth
    7. Extra moisturizing tea tree oil hair mask
    8. Use castor oil and tea tree oil to grow long thick hair
    9. Rosemary oil and tea tree oil for hair growth
    10. Lavender oil and tea tree oil for hair growth
    11. Massage tea tree oil on scalp
    12. Tea tree oil with carrier oil
    13. Tea tree oil shampoo
    14. Tea tree oil spray
    15. Tea tree oil spray and mask
    16. Tea tree oil for wavy curls
    17. Tea tree oil and coconut oil
    18. Tea tree oil mixture with olive oil or vodka
    19. Tea tree oil with alcohol
    20. Tea tree oil for getting rid of lice
  5. Things to remember
  6. Precautions when using tea tree oil for hair care
    1. Skin irritation
    2. Other drugs
    3. Dosage
    4. Dilute the oil

About tea trea oil

Tea tree oil also known as melaleuca oil is an essential oil obtained from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia tree found in Australia.

It has very potent antimicrobial properties and is used in low concentration in a variety of shampoos and skin creams used for treating acne and herpes (1, 2). It is also used in the preparation of anti lice and anti dandruff medicinal products (3, 4, 5, 6).

It has a camphor like smell and its active ingredient is terpinen-4-ol.

Tea tree oil derives its anti inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties from this component.

Among its many other beneficial constituents, tea tree oil also has a harmful component called 1,8-cineole which may cause allergy on skin and scalp (7, 8, 9). When tea tree oil is manufactured commercially, its 1,8-cineole compound is minimized so it is safe for use. Tea tree oil should not be administered orally and should only be used for topical applications.

Tea tree oil and hair growth

If your hair is falling due to clogged hair follicles or dry scalp issues such as dandruff, tea tree oil is a useful remedy to counter it. It reduces hair fall by helping remove all the dead skin cells on the scalp as well as getting rid of bacteria and fungi present on the scalp. This leads to increased hair growth.

Scalp conditions like dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis that cause accumulation of dead skin cells on the scalp may lead to severe hair fall. Due to its potent antifungal and antimicrobial properties, tea tree oil helps you get rid of germs and bacteria that thrive on your scalp causing to flaking skin and dandruff.

Dry scalp is not the only culprit behind hair loss. Excessive production of oil on the skin of the scalp can also affect hair growth. Tea tree oil helps to cure this problem by regulating oil secretion.

Besides scalp problems, other factors can also cause hair fall. Commercial hair care products contain strong chemicals that may cause hair fall. The residue of your conditioner or shampoo, as well as other hair care products, may accumulate in your scalp and hinder hair growth. Tea tree oil clears away such residues and repairs damage inflicted by chemicals.

Benefits of tea tree oil for hair

Tea tree oil solves hair related problems due to its excellent antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Here are some of the benefits of tea tree oil for hair:

  • It moisturizes your scalp so that it remains free of itchy and dry scalp, the main cause of dandruff.
  • It fights and prevents viral, bacterial and fungal infection, thus keeping your scalp healthy and provides ideal conditions for hair growth.
  • Massaging hair with diluted tea tree oil boosts circulation of the head and has anti-inflammatory effects.
  • It prevents accumulation of dead skin cells on the scalp as well as clearing away the residue of hair products such as shampoos and conditioners. This helps gets rid of dandruff and scaly itchy scalp giving way to long, luscious hair.
  • Tea tree oil also regulates hair oil produced in the scalp as excess secretion might block the hair follicles, prevent hair growth or cause the hair grow in the wrong direction, which may result in a serious problem.
  • Due to its anti-microbial properties, tea tree oil is an effective remedy for lice-ridden hair.
  • Tea tree oil has anti-androgenic traits. Anti-androgens are drugs taken by women so as to treat the effects of male sex hormones. Male hormones may cause baldness. The anti-androgenic activity of this oil thus helps reduce hair fall. But, it also means that men should consult with a doctor before using tea tree oil as it may have some undesirable effects on their system.
  • Diluted tea tree oil is beneficial for treating scalp issues of kids and babies such as that of cradle cap. Tea tree oil should be used with caution for babies and after diluting it.

How to use tea tree oil for hair

Tea tree oil can be applied in many ways to get healthy, beautiful hair. You can buy 100 % pure tea tree oil from vitamin stores, holistic shops or beauty/hair supply stores. Tea tree oil soaps, shampoos, conditioners, and body washes can be found at general stores or supermarkets, as well. You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil to your usual shampoo instead of purchasing a tea tree shampoo.

Here are some methods through which you can boost hair growth using tea tree oil:

Massage with diluted tea tree oil and carrier oil mixture for hair growth

Tea tree oil is very strong and may cause allergies on scalp if not diluted prior to use.

How to use tea tree oil for hair

Tip1: How to use tea tree oil for hair

To enjoy maximum benefits of tea tree oil just dilute it with a carrier oil and massage in onto scalp to reduce hair fall.

You will need:

Two to four drops of tea tree oil.

Three to four tea spoons of a carrier oil such as olive oil.


Combine tea tree oil with any carrier oil and mix well.

Apply this mixture on scalp and hair strands.

This mixture of tea tree oil and carrier oil nourishes and strenghtens your hair. 

Massaging scalp with this oil helps unclog your hair follicles, boosts hair growth and makes them longer and thicker.

If hair fall is not too severe, do this 2-3 times a week at first and then once a week.

Use tea tree oil with olive oil for hair growth

Tea tree oil and olive oil work great together. While tea tree oil acts to make your hair thick, shiny and gives it a microbe- free environment to grow, olive oil gives them softness and smoothness. It also forms a protective cover over your hair so that the harmful substances in your environment may not harm them.

You will need:

Olive oil according to your hair length.

Three to five drops of tea tree oil.


Take some olive oil and heat it a little. Do not let it get too hot, just warm it.

Combine tea tree oil with the warm olive oil and mix it well.

Massage your hair and scalp with this oil mixture.

Leave it on for about thirty minutes.

Wash it off after half an hour.

Apply this remedy daily for about 3-4 weeks to see the excellent results on texture and strength of your hair.

Use tea tree oil in your shampoo

If you have a very hectic schedule and cannot find the time to massage your hair daily with diluted oil this remedy is ideal for you.

How to use tea tree oil with hair shampoo?

How to use tea tree oil with hair shampoo?

You just need to mix tea tree oil with your shampoo and wash your hair with it.

You will need:

A few drops of tea tree oil.

Shampoo suitable for your hair type


Add three to four drops of tea tree oil to your bottle of shampoo.

Shake it properly before squeezing out shampoo from the bottle.

If you are concerned about the fact that tea tree oil will get washed off before it has time to exert its effect, mix the oil with your conditioner instead of shampoo.

Add tea tree oil to your conditioner.

After washing your hair with shampoo, apply conditioner.

Leave it on for a few minutes.

Now wash it off.

Tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar hair rinse

If you are suffering from a severe case of an itchy and dry scalp, apply a mixture of tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar combats the bacteria called ‘bottle bacillus’. This microbe may cause many problems to your scalp and hair like the dry and itchy scalp, dandruff, hair fall and even baldness.

You will need:

Five drops of tea tree oil.

One cup of apple cider vinegar.

One cup of warm water.

A bottle or jar for storage.


Pour apple cider vinegar into the bottle or jar.

Add tea tree oil to the bottle and mix it well.

After every hair wash, rinse your hair with this mixture.

After using shampoo and conditioner, take some water in a cup.

Add one tablespoon of the apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil mixture to this cup.

Rinse your hair with the diluted mixture.

Instead of washing it off, leave it on your hair. This will give your hair an extra boost and make them healthy and shiny.

Use tea tree oil with jojoba oil for dry scalp

If you have the unique problem of oil build up along with dandruff, use tea tree oil combined with jojoba oil to treat it. Jojoba resembles the oil produced by human scalp closely, thus making it suitable for all types of skin and hair. It will regulate the oil production of your scalp while the tea tree oil combats activities of bacteria and germs to soothe your itchy scalp.

You will need:

Ten spoons of jojoba oil.

One spoon of tea tree oil.

Almond oil if needed


Combine tea tree oil, jojoba oil, almond oil and mix them well.

Store this oil mixture in a bottle.

Massage your scalp with this mixture two times a week.

Aloe vera and tea tree oil hair mask to promote hair growth

Sometimes, regular use of tea tree oil can cause dryness on scalp and hair. Aloe vera helps balance out the drying effect of tea tree oil. Not only does aloe vera help cure hair fall, it also boosts the growth of hair. This property is due to some enzymes present in aloe vera gel.

Aloe vera and tea tree oil mask for hair

Aloe vera and tea tree oil mask for hair

Here is how to use aloe vera gel mixed with tea tree oil for moisturizing your scalp and preventing hair fall.

You will need:

Half cup of aloe vera gel.

Half cup of water

Two to three drops of tea tree oil


Blend the aloe vera gel with a spoon to make it smooth and lump-free.

Add water to the gel and blend again with a spoon to make a smooth paste.

Add some drops of tea tree oil to this paste and mix well.

Now apply this paste to your hair and scalp. You will instantly feel its cooling and soothing effect.

Leave it on for about half an hour.

Then wash it off with your regular shampoo and conditioner.

Extra moisturizing tea tree oil hair mask

A mixture of tea tree oil, yogurt and avocado makes an excellent moisturizer for hair. Yogurt is a rich protein source and makes hair strong and shiny. Protein is one of the essential nutrients requited for healthy growth of hair and nails. Not only does eating sugarless and flavorless plain yogurt on a daily basis boost your hair growth but it can also be used as a hair mask. Avocados have a high fat content and moisturize your hair so that become tangle-free and do not break while combing or brushing.

Apart from preventing hair loss, vitamins B and E in avocados promote hair growth. While vitamin B is required for healthy hair growth, vitamin E repairs any damage done to your scalp.  Therefore, yogurt, avocado and tea tree oil make a great hair mask together! Add Argan oil and honey in this recipe for good measure.

You will need:

One cup of plain yogurt

One mashed avocado

Two tablespoons of honey

Eight to ten drops of Argan oil

Few drops of tea tree oil


Take a bowl of yogurt and blend it with a spoon.

Mash pulp of an avocado and mix it well with yogurt.

Add in honey and oils and to avocado-yogurt bowl.

Wash and shampoo your hair as usual.

After washing off the shampoo, apply the hair mask to your hair and scalp.

Massage it properly into scalp for five-ten minutes.

Apply this mask completely over your hair.

Leave it on for fifteen or twenty minutes, use a shower cap if required.

After about twenty minutes, wash your hair with shampoo and water.

Apply this mask once a week or every fifteen days.

Use castor oil and tea tree oil to grow long thick hair

When you combine castor oil with tea tree oil, the resulting oil mixture promotes healthy growth of hair. Castor oil like tea tree oil has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties and thus helps fight and prevent dandruff and dry scalp problems. In fact, the ricinoleic acid present in castor oil stimulates blood circulation to the scalp thus giving a great boost to hair growth.

You will need:

Three tablespoons of castor oil

Two to three drops of tea tree oil

One tablespoon of jojoba oil

A tablespoon of coconut oil

One egg


Mix all these oils and store the mixture in a dark glass bottle.

Apply this mixture to your scalp before going to bed and leave it on overnight so that it is absorbed properly.

Massage your scalp with this remedy for about five to ten minutes.

Wrap your head in a cloth or shower cap so that your bedding is not stained by oil.

In the morning, you should apply egg or your regular conditioner before you wash your hair because it is a little fiddly to remove castor oil from the scalp.

If you use egg, break and whisk it to get a smooth consistency.

Now rub the whisked egg all over your scalp for a few minutes. This will break down the oil and will also improve health and nutrition of your hair.

After that wash your hair with a shampoo.

If egg seems unpleasant, simply massage your scalp with some conditioner even before you apply shampoo.

Massage your scalp with conditioner for a few minutes, and then wash your hair using shampoo.

Try this remedy one-three times a week.

Rosemary oil and tea tree oil for hair growth

Rosemary oil is also very beneficial for hair and when combined with tea tree oil it gives a brilliant hair potion. Rosemary oil has antioxidant, antiseptic, and antimicrobial properties among many other medicinal benefits. Rosemary oil acts by increasing cell division and dilating blood vessels.

Rosemary and tea tree oil for hair care

Rosemary and tea tree oil for hair care

While working on these effects, it helps your hair follicles in producing new hair. When you mix rosemary oil with tea tree oil, it works towards treating many other scalp problems that only ensures faster hair growth.

You will need:

Three tablespoons of olive oil

Five drops of rosemary oil

Few drops of tea tree oil

Do this:

Heat olive oil until it’s warm. Do not allow it to get hot.

Add tea tree oil and rosemary oil to warm olive oil and mix it well

Massage your scalp with this mixture for five minutes.

Leave it for about half an hour.

Wash it off with water and shampoo.

Lavender oil and tea tree oil for hair growth

Lavender oil is a wildly popular natural remedy for hair fall. It is even capable of treating hair loss which results from Alopecia, an autoimmune disorder that causes your system to reject the hair follicles by identifying them as foreign objects. Lavender oil is regenerative and also has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and calming effects.

So when you have dry and itchy scalp issues along with alopecia, you can simply concoct an oil blend with carrier oils and massage your scalp with this to boost hair growth. Here is one such method.

You will need:

Three drops of lavender oil

Three drops of tea tree oil

Three drops of rosemary oil

Two drops of thyme oil

Two drops of cedar wood oil

Four teaspoons of grape seed oil

Half teaspoon of jojoba oil


Mix all of these oils well together.

Apply this oil mixture onto a small patch on the scalp to check its allergic reaction, if you have any on your skin. If there is none, proceed further.

Before going to sleep at night, rub this mixture onto your scalp and massage properly.

Massage your scalp with this oil mixture for about ten minutes every night.

Cover your head with a shower cap or towel and go to bed.

Wash it off with shampoo in the morning.

If you have been experiencing hair loss due to alopecia, using this oil blend for a few months will yield positive results.

Massage tea tree oil on scalp

Simply massage tree tea oil into your scalp regularly to prevent hair fall and other problems. Massaging tea tree oil onto scalp stimulates blood circulation and decreases inflammation in hair follicles that results in enhanced hair growth and treats dry scalp, dandruff, itching, oiliness, and white hair.


Pour a few drops of tea tree oil on your palm, apply to scalp and gently massage for a few minutes.

Leave the oil on for about an hour and then wash with a shampoo that suits your hair.

Repeat this method regularly for best results.

Tea tree oil with carrier oil

This process boosts hair growth and reduces head lice, hair fall, itchy scalp, dryness, and dandruff. You have many options of carrier oils to choose from such as baby olive oil, vegetable oil, almond oil and jojoba oil. Application of tea tree oil mixed with carrier oil helps clear dandruff and prevents fungal growth. The mixture nourishes and moisturizes hair. It creates a protective layer resistant to toxins on hair strands and promotes hair growth.


Combine ten drops of warm tea tree oil with a teaspoon of any carrier oil e.g. olive oil.

Apply this combination to scalp and massage for a few minutes.

Wrap your head in a hot towel to open blocked pores.

Leave it on for about half an hour and then wash it off with shampoo.

Repeat this process regularly for best results.

Note: If you feel a tingling sensation, do not be alarmed. It is completely normal.

Tea tree oil shampoo

Tea tree oil shampoo works wonders when it comes to treating hair loss, oily scalp, head lice, itchy scalp, dandruff, and dryness. There are many tea tree oil-based hair products available in markets such as shampoos, conditioners, hair oils, and dandruff shampoos to select from.

Apply tea tree oil-based shampoo, oil, or conditioner onto the scalp and lightly massage for a few minutes.

Leave the oil on for ten minutes and wash with water.

Repeat this process regularly for best results.

Note: If using this shampoo for head lice, comb the hair with a fine tooth comb after washing hair to remove eggs and any remaining lice. If using for hair fall, mix the tea tree oil with almond oil prior to washing the hair.

Tea tree oil spray

Tea tree oil has anti-fungal, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that are effective in treating head lice, dryness, dandruff, and itching, making your hair strong and beautiful.

Fill a clean, empty spray bottle with some tea tree oil and add in some water. Shake properly.

Lightly spray this mixture all over your hair.

Leave it on for a few minutes.

Cover your head with a warm towel for maximum oil absorption into scalp and hair.

Wash your hair with tea tree oil based shampoo.

Repeat this process regularly for getting best results.

Spray before going to sleep, leave it on overnight and rinse in the morning for added results.

Tea tree oil spray and mask

Tea tree oil hair mask not only solves scalp problems like dryness, dandruff, itchiness and head lice but also rejuvenates skin of your scalp in the summer and restores the health of your hair. The first stage in this process gets rid of excess dead skin cells and clears the scalp. The second stage moisturizes hair with the hydrating agents such as coconut oil and avocado.

Fill an empty, clean spray bottle with some drops of tea tree oil and equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water.

Lightly spray this mixture on your entire scalp.

Leave it for a few minutes.

Wash your hair with tea tree oil shampoo. Leave it on for three to five minutes and then wash it off.

Mash some avocado pulp and mix this mashed pulp with two tablespoons of organic coconut oil.

Apply this moisturizing mixture to the entire scalp and gently massage for a few minutes.

Leave it on for half an hour and rinse with mild shampoo.

Repeat this remedy as needed for optimum results.

Note: Apply before going to bed and rinse in the morning for added results.

Tea tree oil for wavy curls

Wash your hair with tea tree oil shampoo and apply conditioner. While your hair is still wet, pour a few drops of tea tree oil onto your palm and massage onto scalp before going to sleep.

Braid hair into two divided parts on each side. Make more braids with shorter hair.

Open up braids in the morning and finger comb your hair.

Repeat this process as desired.

Note: Use tea tree oil mixed with any carrier on untamed strands of hair from root to tip to help reduce frizz.

Tea tree oil and coconut oil

Both tea tree oil and coconut oil have antifungal, antimicrobial and antibacterial traits that help prevent scalp dryness, dandruff, scalp eczema, scalp folliculitis and scalp fungus.

Coconut oil and tea tree oil for hair care

Coconut oil and tea tree oil for hair care

Mix ten drops of tea tree oil with a melted tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil.

Apply to the dry and itchy areas of the scalp and lightly massage for a few minutes.

Leave it on for at least a couple of hours.

Wash your hair with tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner.

Repeat this process regularly for best results.

Note: Apply this oil mixture before going to sleep, leave on overnight and rinse in the morning for best results.

Tea tree oil mixture with olive oil or vodka

You will need:

Two ounces of vodka or olive oil

100% pure tea tree oil

Cotton ball


Combine two ounces of either olive oil or vodka with ten drops of 100% pure tea tree oil.

Use a clean cotton ball to apply the solution to the affected area of scalp and hair.

Leave it on for about ten hours and then wash your hair. Repeat this process regularly as needed.

Tea tree oil with alcohol

You will need:

Tea tree oil - 15 - 20 drops

Some alcohol

Clean spray bottle

What to do?

Mix fifteen-twenty drops of tea tree oil and two ounces of alcohol in a clean, empty spray bottle.

Spritz the solution onto to the affected area of scalp and hair.

Leave this solution on for ten-twelve hours and then wash your hair.

Repeat this process regularly as needed.

You use one or more of the tea tree oil remedies mentioned above for treating hair and scalp related problems. Choosing the ideal remedy and applying tea tree oil in the right manner mixed with the right ingredient can sure give your hair growth and health a boost!

Tea tree oil for getting rid of lice

Head lice are tiny parasitic insects that live and thrive on the scalp and head of humans. They are black in color and lay eggs attached to the hair strands. They are easily transmitted from one person to another, especially among school going children. Tea tree oil is a potent weapon for killing head lice without any undesirable side effects. Tea tree oil contains natural insecticide, antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, and terpinen, a natural microbe-fighting ingredient, all of which clear and kill lice effectively.

Tea tree oil covers the hair strands and scalp and contains substances that kill head lice and its eggs, and it heals and soothes the irritated scalp affected by lice.

Lice eggs are called nits. Nits are difficult to kill and clear even with chemical shampoos and harsh treatments. The hair and scalp are already affected; the additional harsh chemicals needed increase the possibility of hair and scalp damage. Tea tree oil is naturally safe and healthy for hair and scalp.

Tea tree oil for lice - tip 1

Mix five drops of 100% pure tea tree oil into the shampoo you usually use to wash your hair.

Put on this shampoo and apply to the affected scalp and hair.

Leave shampoo on for 5– 10 minutes and wash with water.

Repeat the process as required.

Tea tree oil for lice - tip 2

Combine five drops of tea tree oil with your conditioner that you normally use.

Apply this conditioner to the affected area of scalp and hair.

Leave conditioner on for a few minutes and rinse with water.

Comb your hair thoroughly with a fine-toothed comb to remove the dead lice.

Repeat a week later or whenever needed.

Tea tree oil for lice - tip 3

Apply shampoo, oil, conditioner, or other hair-care products containing tea tree oil to the affected hair and scalp before going to bed at night.

Wrap your head with a towel and leave on tea tree oil overnight.

Comb your hair properly in the morning to remove the dead lice and wash with warm water and shampoo the next morning.

Repeat this process regularly as needed.

Other lice tips

As lice are easily transmitted from one person to another, keep in mind everyone in your house will need treatment.

Make sure your family members do not share pillows, hair brush, combs or clothes to keep the lice from spreading.

Make sure to test the tea tree oil on your skin for allergies before applying it to a larger area. Dilute the oil with water or light carrier oil if necessary.

Do not ingest tea tree oil orally as it is toxic in nature and may cause side effects like confusion, drowsiness, diarrhea, and coma.

Tea tree oil should not be used by pregnant women or nursing mothers.

To get rid of lice, collect toys especially stuffed animals and clothes etc. in a tightly-sealed garbage bags. This chokes and kills the lice. Dump anything you use such as cotton balls in tightly–sealed bags and throw them away in the garbage.

Things to remember

It’s essential to dilute tea tree oil with another carrier oil or water before applying it on the hair as it may cause allergies, irritation, itchiness, and dryness when applied on its own.

Use of tea tree oil-based gels, for example, Paul Mitchell’s tea tree stylish gel, will provide luster and shine to hair with a medium to firm hold.

Tea tree oil may not be suitable for all hair types.

Tea tree oil should not be ingested or swallowed.

Some people may be allergic to tea tree oil and it may cause redness or irritation on their skin. Always apply a small quantity on a small area of skin as a patch test. If nothing happens, use it for treating hair problems.

Remember to apply tea tree oil in the right way with the right amount or proportions for healthy hair growth. If used without considering these things, the oil may have harmful effects, making hair extremely weak and brittle.

Tea tree oil does not increase facial hair growth.

You will get the best results if you combine tea tree oil use with some other hair growth promotion tactics, such as following a proper diet.

Precautions when using tea tree oil for hair care

Too much of a good stuff is bad stuff. 

These are the main risks associated with tea tree oil use for hair care.

Skin irritation

Tea tree oil can cause skin allergies or irritation in some people, particularly those having sensitive skin. If you notice your skin turning red, tingling or hurting more than usual on the site where you applied this oil, discontinue its use at once and visit your doctor. If it dries your skin out more than expected, reduce the application dosage or use it on your skin less often.

Other drugs

If you take other medicines or use a topical treatment regularly, consult with your doctor or dermatologist before using tea tree oil. This includes all prescription, over-the-counter drugs or other natural, home treatments. For example, topical medicines with constituents like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid should not be used concurrently with tea tree oil because it will cause extreme dryness on your skin.


Only use tea tree oil externally and do not ingest or swallow it. Swallowing or ingesting tea tree oil can make you ill. If you ingest this oil, you may experience mental problems like confusion or mood swings, or a rash could appear all over your body. These side effects also appear if you overdose by applying the excess of tea tree oil on your skin. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember or wait until your next dose time. Do not double up on dosage to make up for a forgotten turn, or you may experience unpleasant effects.

Dilute the oil

Tea tree oil is a strong substance that may harm to your skin and should be treated as such. Excess of anything is harmful. Different dilutions of the oil are used to treat various things, but 100% pure concentration of tea tree oil is rarely used as it is too strong for applying safely on skin. Dilute tea tree oil with water or some carrier oil prior to use. 

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Written by: Michal Vilímovský (EN)
Education: Physician
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Published: September 2, 2016 at 8:50 PM
Next scheduled update: September 2, 2018 at 8:50 PM
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