Why Ginseng May Cause Bleeding?

November 15, 2023 at 8:02 PM

Ginseng, also known as Panax ginseng, is a popular herbal supplement that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. It is believed to have various health benefits, including boosting energy levels and improving overall well-being.


  1. Interference with Blood Clotting
  2. Interactions with Medication
  3. Individual Sensitivity
  4. Dosage and Quality
  5. Medical conditions that may increase bleeding risk
  6. Precautions for Ginseng Users
  7. The Bottom Line

However, one potential risk associated with taking ginseng is increased bleeding.

This can be a cause for concern, especially for individuals who are already at risk for bleeding disorders or taking blood-thinning medications.

But why does ginseng have this effect? Here are some possible explanations:

Interference with Blood Clotting

Ginseng contains compounds called ginsenosides, which have been found to interfere with the body's ability to form blood clots.

Ginseng may affect blood clotting, which increases the risk of bleeding

Ginseng may affect blood clotting, which increases the risk of bleeding

Firstly, ginseng contains compounds called ginsenosides, which have been found to inhibit platelet aggregation. Platelets are cells in our blood responsible for forming clots to stop bleeding. When these platelets cannot aggregate properly due to the presence of ginsenosides, it can increase the risk of bleeding (1).

Interactions with Medication

Ginseng can interact with various medications and increase the risk of bleeding. These include but are not limited to antiplatelet drugs (e.g. aspirin, clopidogrel), anticoagulants (e.g. warfarin, heparin), and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen, naproxen). It is crucial to inform your healthcare provider about all the medications you are taking before incorporating ginseng into your routine

Individual Sensitivity

Everyone's body reacts differently to substances, including herbal supplements.

Some individuals may be more sensitive to the effects of ginseng on blood clotting and experience increased bleeding as a result.

Dosage and Quality

The amount and quality of ginseng in a supplement can also play a role in its potential to cause bleeding. Higher doses of ginseng may have a stronger effect on blood clotting, and the quality of the supplement may affect its potency.

Medical conditions that may increase bleeding risk

Individuals with bleeding disorders such as hemophilia or von Willebrand disease should use caution when consuming ginseng, as it may exacerbate their condition. Additionally, those with liver disease or certain types of cancers should also consult with a healthcare professional before taking ginseng due to its potential effects on blood clotting.

Precautions for Ginseng Users

If you are considering taking ginseng or currently taking it, here are some precautions to keep in mind:

  • Consult with your doctor before starting ginseng supplementation, especially if you have a bleeding disorder or take blood thinning medications.
  • Be cautious when combining ginseng with other supplements or medications, as they may interact and increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Monitor your body's response to ginseng. If you notice any unusual or excessive bleeding, stop taking it immediately and seek medical attention.
  • Choose a reputable brand and follow recommended dosages to minimize potential risks.

The Bottom Line

While ginseng may offer potential benefits for overall health and well-being, it is essential to be aware of its possible effects on blood clotting and take necessary precautions. Always prioritize your safety and consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any supplement into your routine. So, if you are considering taking ginseng, make sure to do your research and approach it with caution.

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Written by: Michal Vilímovský (EN)
Education: Physician
Image resources:


Published: November 15, 2023 at 8:02 PM
Next scheduled update: November 15, 2025 at 8:02 PM
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